Jorina Fricke



How can we find solutions to current problems that concern me and my generation? Collaboration is certainly important to develop these solutions and makes up a large part of my work. Whether in free or in applied projects, interdisciplinary work is essential for me to find new ways and to get to know other ways of thinking. My curiosity leads me to people with very different focuses and interests as well as to try out new materials or media. Another important aspect of my engagement is the questioning of situations, values and relationships. My approach to problem-solving is based on this exploratory engagement: through visual and content-based communication, I aim to create awareness of the issues I am addressing and, more generally, to impart knowledge. My aim is to disseminate clear, fact-based communication in order to counteract the current prevalence of over-information (both visually and in terms of content) and over-consumption.

Jorina is currently studying Visual Communication at the Academy of fine Arts Nuremberg (AdBK Nürnberg). She is also a trained fashion designer and, above all, a big optimist.
